December 12, 2007
Grizz: let me go pee first... then you can type what I say
*Alexi and Grizz chillin at 6:30am listening to dopeass music and talking about the beautiful things of life
Let's see what we're working with here:
Grizz back from restroom:
Just guess who says what because we tend to talk pretty fast.
OK. alright what are we gonna talk about? You do write fast!
Dont look at the screen,
I wont.
Basel came and went and I missed so much, I didnt see any art again cause I worked so much. Going to parties shooting photos djing. Next year I'm not gonna work. Im gonna shoot my own story. Im gonna finally look at the art for the first time in 6 years and buy some art. See performances and possibly have a show. Present some of my works for the first time in 6 years. And maybe even have a photo book out by then. The realization came after having 22 hours of sleep, and being exhausted from running around working, tougher that winter music conference, I have never been that exhausted from any other event here in south beach. It wore me out, I was working so much I didnt even enjoy it.
Hey that sounds like one of my samba mixes
So next year I plan to show, buy and see some art work, some exciting pieces, exciting art.
Something enjoyable.
You ARE a fast typer!!
Let me possibly ask you about how you are feeling in the present moment.
Anticipating the beginning of the New Year, even though the new year can start an any day, maybe that's why people always have new years resolutions, I'm ready for it to start again for the THIRD time this year, haha. Yeah I'm ready for a new beginning. Something like... yeah, a new beginning. There's always another beginning tomorrow. There's always a new beginning tomorrow. I can't start a new beginning tomorrow cause I have too much shit to do today! Kinda frustrating.
Yeah I bet. I always want to start a new beginning. But I seem to be caught up all the time in how crazy the present can be.
I think we always start new beginnings every quarter. I'm not gonna go out as much, I'm gonna make wiser use of my time... It's not that I'm not gonna go out as much, it's just that I'm gonna be more productive.
How are you gonna productive, come the new year?
How am I gonna be productive?
The first thing I have to do is write down my goals, instead of keeping them in my head cause they get all messed up after a long night. I gotta put them where I see them instead of post-its that I lose. Post-its are for the girls phone number that I'll never dial tomorrow. So nevermind. You can't write your goals on a post-it.
So how are you going to keep track of your goals this year? And what are your goals? Grizz?
Bulletin board or chalk board or whatever. Everyday is a new goal. Never-ending. I can't even begin.
I guess the biggest goal is to be not more professional, I guess more business oriented. I want to concentrate more on my business I guess.
*samba remix playing in background*
Business is everything. Photography, DJing, business is life. We're not scared of failure, we're scared of success and I guess that's what I'm afraid of. A man that never took a chance never had a chance. Gotta believe and hype myself up. Not hype... not promote... what am I trying to say?... Get my name out?
Get yourself out there? You're already a well-known photographer, and that's what you love to do.
I like to live life. Music makes me... I like making people happy and dance and carefree. Music makes people so happy.
Photography makes people self-conscious. Music is not a vacation. I like giving people a personal gift they were not expecting.
So music to you makes you happy because you make people happy through your music?
When I play music its not just playing a song. When DJs play, they are giving a part of their soul to the people. And with photography I like to make people feel good about themselves and enjoy and remember the moment. And I'm a social historian. Not a paparazzi. I like socialogy.
What do you like about sociology?
How everybody interacts with everyone else. Culture are like, whatever. But like, how different personas contribute to the equation of life. How everybody's personality, happiness, and soul affects your life. If I know my music is futile, it's a waste of time. I want to give people my 2 cents. No, no. I want more that 2 cents. If people are happy around you, hopefully that will carry onto the other people around them, so I am making lots of people happy at a time, with my music.
So you like my samba stuff? it's like background stuff. Not too latin. I started liking it, it's kinda cool. Nothing negative.
Do have any baile funk?
Nope. I have maybe a few songs but nope. I should look for it.
You have any Spank Rock?
Yeah a little bit.
Can I play it?
Of course!
OK. Bump?
Yeah, one of my favorites.
Did you get a chance to hear me play at Pawn Shop?
I don't think so.
Last year my birthday?
This year I played at Studio A but I couldn't hear anything. I love Tommy Sunshine but I told him I couldn't really even spin well.
What do you think of Spank Rock?
Spank Rock is good. ?
Yeah he's cool. I'm not into hip hop. The closest I get to hip hop is Purdy Sundays, white boy hip hop, cause it's more like innocent, or suburban, or not about my rough times in life. Not gangstger. But I do like West Coast!
What do you think of Amanda Blank?
She's probably hot! And by her voice she doesn't have to throw out BS. She can rhyme in a recognizable way.
What's your all-time favorite song?
I don't have one.
What's your song of the minute?
I don't think I have one. Electric by Lifelike...
*listening to it*
I like this.
You can drive to it, skate, think about life... it's one of those, where you can just.... JUST... anything you want. Smoke. Make out. It's one of those. Anything.
*****Interview terminated.*******
Hope you enjoyed some transcribing by Alexi.
And it mixes with Daft Punk really well hahahahahah!
October 23, 2007
Along with my birthday this past week Apple is celebrating a birthday of one if its most famous offspring. The very first iPod was introduced on this day October 23 2001, just six years ago.
The stainless-steel unit costs $399, had a 5GB hard drive, connected to a Mac using FireWire only, included a 10-hour lithium polymer battery and offered 20 minutes of anti-skip protection. The iPod measured 2.43 inches by 4.02 inches by 0.78 inches and weighs 6.5 ounces. Apple didn't know how many they would be producing, but there are about 7 million Macs with a FireWire port. The device did not use a digital-rights management scheme at the time. "Piracy is not a technological issue. It's a behavior issue," Jobs said, adding that all the encryption schemes that have been developed can also be broken.
Today there have been thirty-two different models from the shuffle, to the nano, to the mini, to the new iPod touch. There have been over 100 million iPods sold so far and I'm sure the next model will be a big hit again.
By the way, as a birthday present this year, I did by a new Nano iPod and it is better than I thought. You never disappoint Apple.
October 2, 2007
Another birthday mention this month is the 50 year anniversary of the successful launch of the the first satelitte in space. Launched by the Russians it was one of the main reasons the Americans wanted to be the first humans into space, but to no avail. The Russians again beat them to the punch with Yuri Gagarin becoming the first man into space. As America and President John F. Kennedy ignited the dream of landing on the moon, well the rest is history, or conspiracy for some of us.
No cellphone, no internet, no TV, no predictable weather, much different world, oh and no iPhone kids!
"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth."
— Pres. Kennedy, May 25, 1961
I've been waiting for Wes Anderson's new movie "The Darjeeling Limited" with Jason Schartzman, Owen Wilson and Andrien Brody and there is an online only short prequel film called "Hotel Chevalier". It stars Jason Schartzman and Natalie Portman. As it turns out she is very nude and very grown up now since "The Professional" It's a free iTunes download and was pretty cool. It seems to establishes a past relationship that looks to be important or known to the viewer in the upcoming film. So check it out here:
Hotel Chevalier Free Link
So, another creative first from the anti iTunes band Radiohead. They are distributing their new 10 song album IN RAINBOWS online for how ever much you want to pay. ($1.00 min.) You can also order a box disc for £40.00 and includes extras like a CD
and 2 X 12 inch heavy weight vinyl records.A second, enhanced CD contains more new songs, along with digital photographs and artwork. The Discbox also includes artwork and lyric booklets. All are encased in a hardback book and slipcase. I am a huge fan of Radiohead and am looking forward to downloading a copy on October 10 when it's available. Check out the site here:
September 19, 2007
It took me a while to post this but I'm finally getting around to it. I personally know Spencer and he is a great guy. So humble and so intelligent. There is always something whirling around his mind, especially when he is just sitting there quietly observing the soiree.
The Sagamore Hotel in Miami Beach and guest curator Kimberly Marrero bring you this once-in-a lifetime opportunity to be part of Spencer Tunick’s upcoming installation.
The resulting photographs and videos made on October 8th will then be exclusively exhibited in December during Art Basel Miami 2007 at the Annual Sagamore Brunch hosted by Cricket and Martin Taplin, Martin Z. Margulies and Constance Collins, The Bass Museum of Art, Patricia and Philip Frost Museum at FIU, Lowe Art Museum, Miami Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art and The Wolfsonian.
Contemporary artist Spencer Tunick is widely celebrated for his elaborately posed installations of multiple nude figures within interestingly select public settings. His temporary site-specific installations have taken place across the globe in cities including Lyon, Melbourne, Mexico City, New York and Barcelona to name a few. Tunick gathers legions of volunteers to take part in his elaborate installations which in the past have drawn numbers well into the thousands.
For more information check out some of his work and sign up.
September 17, 2007
So yea, many of you know I ride my bike everywhere. I used to race bikes until it just hurt more and more. I'm lucky enough to live on South Beach where I can do it ALL on a bike. I don't have to worry about parking, insurance, car payment, tickets and of course DUI (although you can be pulled over on your bike). I've had my bike for five years here because I always bring it inside at night and lock it up in a well visible area with a good lock. If it rains a quick $5 taxi ride will get me there as well.
Also, many of you know I adore Stylish HOT women wearing even HOTTER shoes. Check out a few of my shoe shots on my flickr site under Fetish? If you put them together you get this heavenly web blog. I am ready for this to becoming a trend here in SOBE!
Power Napping has been a good thing for me. I keep odd hours photographing and dj-ing late night parties here in south Beach where the party never really ends. Well, maybe around sunrise for me. So, a good nap here and there is paramount. Call it a power nap, disco nap, detox nap, whatever. Sleep is essential to feeling good. Here are a few benefits to naps:
Increased alertness and productivity
Increased cognitive functioning
Boost your creativity
Better health
Less stress
The 20 minute nap seems to do the trick without feeling groggy or tired still. My favorite is the caffeine nap. Check it out:
The Caffeine Nap is simple. You drink a cup of coffee and immediately take a 15 minute nap. Researchers found coffee helps clear your system of adenosine, a chemical which makes you sleepy. So in testing, the combination of a cup of coffee with an immediate nap chaser provided the most alertness for the longest period of time. The recommendation was to nap only 15 minutes, no more or less and you must sleep immediately after the coffee.
It works great with a shot of espresso also.
That's a little scary if you think about it. A contract until you die. That sounds like my cell phone service. I guess if it's anything I get along with the best I choose Apple. Apple has made me a happy camper since I first bought my iMac in 2000. Ever since then I haven't stopped creating something. Be it photography, music, movies, web site and of course my personality. Motto,Think Different. Apple has been good to me over the years so I guess it be fitting to say yes, till death do us part.
click on the photo for higher resolution
September 11, 2007
I'm back from blogland vacation. I moved into a new place with new furniture, a parking space, a washer dryer and free cable DVR. So, after looking at a lot of new and cool websites that feature apartment living (Ikea, Apartment Therapy, Ready Made) I am finally back on the writing block. I have been looking at personalizing my new place with a new aquarium as a matter of fact. I came across a site that is what I was hoping for. Check out the pics and site when you get a chance.
This one is my pick.
Anyway, I'm off to work again. Another blog tonight when I get home, mmmm maybe
August 20, 2007
In 1984, on the one year anniversary of the introduction of compact discs and five years after the first walkman, Sony introduced their D-50 portable CD player, the first ever portable digital music player and was the smallest at the time. The D-50 was actually my very first cd player and being in the military I had to get the newest mens' gadgets then, as well as now. It truly was a so cool. Just slightly larger than approximately four CD cases, the player offered all of the great audio quality that digital recordings had to offer. Although the first compact discs were analogue recordings converted to digital and as music production changed so did digital recordings and compact discs. It cost $300
I can't even predict how many CDs I have purchased in my life, whew. I still have my very first CD also, U2-The Joshua Tree, when I first purchased the Sony Discman in 1987. Around 1990 I started Djing and I still do to this day so I have kept all my music. I still have vinyl but I knew the cd was going to impact music like never before. I remember bringing my home stereo CD player to my early Dj gigs, a Sony CDP-C500 I purchased in 1990, to clubs in the 90s and playing my collection and I still have it today as my home stereo CD player. It was the first Carousel CD player and it still works great today even after moving several times. Cassette tapes would wear out after awhile but the CD would still sound great for a long, long time. I still do purchase CDs just about every week or so.
Anyway, thanks for the best of times CD, for making me feel better, making me dance, making me get teary eyed and making me remember all that is worth remembering with music.
Here is a little video on how to eat sushi in a traditional Japanese way. In the past I have worked at a sushi restaurant and learned a great deal from working there. This may be America but learn a few things about this tradition and you will enjoy the experience much better.
Here are a few tips to get you started enjoying the experience with friends.
1. If you want to only eat sushi, sit only at the sushi bar.
2. Greet other people at the bar and greet the itamae (sushi chef).
3. Ask the itamae what he recommends, it's usually the freshest of the day and sometimes a specialty not on the menu.
4. Don't think you have to eat a lot, eat in moderation. Usually three (Japanese lucky number) at a time.
5. Drink green tea, sake or beer. Other drinks including wine and soda disturb the delicate flavors of the food.
Enjoy and let's get together. KAMPAI!
Here are a couple of my local picks for fine sushi:
1901 CollinsAve, Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 695-3232
Bond Street
150 20th Street, Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 398-1806
1104 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 695-8383
Shoji Sushi
100 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 532-4245
-Delivery also-
August 14, 2007
Just when you think this whole bling thing is over and a passing trend it infiltrates another market. Grills for dogs? I guess if you have one of those unruly Pit Bulls and like to have all your Bitches showing off how much money you think you have while your "DUBBIN'" it...whatever. Hell, maybe my grand-pop would like to improve his denture with a little fizzle. There is just so MANY bullshit things people buy to waste their money on. How about using that $100+ and give it to the vet to help all those other pets that are mauled by YOUR dog. I guess it all started during the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series, gold teeth and all.
August 12, 2007
Don't forget to pick me up some unconditional love from the market sweetie!
If it were that easy....
August 11, 2007
I have always been a fan of Eames furniture. My all time favorite is the 51 year old design Eames Lounge. There will be a day I WILL own one. Anyway, check out how clean the designs were back then. Then check out some others.
Design Charles & Ray Eames®, 1956.
Molded plywood, die-cast aluminum legs, leather upholstery. Made by Herman Miller®.
I want this also!
Design Charles & Ray Eames®, 1948.
Molded plastic, chrome legs, solid-maple rockers. Made by Herman Miller®.
"Who would say that pleasure is not useful?" -Charles Eames
Check out one of my favorite furniture sites here:
August 10, 2007
For all you Vegatarians/Vegans this sounds....JUICY? I just don't know yet but I may have to try it out for myself this weekend, it's still so damn hot here.
Food section
Vegetable oil (for brushing)
1/4 large watermelon
1/4 bottle cream sherry
4 tablespoons ( 1/2 stick) unsalted butter
Salt and pepper, to taste
1. Set the oven at 350 degrees. Have a large roasting pan on hand. Oil a piece of parchment paper about the size of the pan.
2. Discard the rounded end of the watermelon. Cut the watermelon into 4 even slices, each at least 1-inch thick. Remove the rind.
3. Place the slices in the roasting pan. Pour the sherry over them and dot with butter. Sprinkle with salt, and very lightly with pepper. Cover the watermelon with the parchment paper, then cover the pan tightly with foil. Roast the slices for 2 1/2 hours or until charred around the edges.
4. Place watermelon on a rimmed baking sheet to cool. Strain cooking juices. Serve watermelon with juices spooned over, and feta cheese. Adapted from 51 Lincoln
August 7, 2007
This shit is so crazy, I just had to show you. I do want one by the way, the flying monkey!!
Apple today released their new line of iMacs. they still resemble the older brethren but are now clad in aluminum and have a glass glossy display like the MacBooks and iPhone. Here are some more specs from Apple.
The new iMac comes in 20- and 24-inch configurations, bringing an end to Apple’s 17-inch iMac offerings. The updated machines will run on an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, with clock speeds of either 2GHz and 2.4GHz. A 2.8GHz chip is available as a configure-to-order model. The machines will ship with 1GB of installed RAM with memory capacity of 4GB. The low-end iMac will feature an ATI Radeon HD 2400XT graphics card while the other two configurations will come with ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro graphics.
The iMac also gets a new keyboard that matches the desktop’s thin design. It features several dedicated keys for Exposé, Dashboard, and media controls, among others.
The iMac is available in three configurations: a 20-inch, 2GHz machine with a 250GB hard drive for $1,199; a 20-inch 2.4GHz model with 320GB of storage for $1,499; and a 24-inch 2.4GHz offering also with a 320GB hard drive for $1,799.
You know, I wasn't really in the market for a desktop but these guys might just replace my TV and do it all finally, especially the 24" Check them out on the Apple web site.
How is Blackle saving energy?
Blackle was created by Heap Media to remind us all of the need to take small steps in our everyday lives to save energy. Blackle searches are powered by Google Custom Search.
Blackle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. "Image displayed is primarily a function of the user's color settings and desktop graphics, as well as the color and size of open application windows; a given monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen." Roberson et al, 2002
In January 2007 a blog post titled Black Google Would Save 750 Megawatt-hours a Year proposed the theory that a black version of the Google search engine would save a fair bit of energy due to the popularity of the search engine. Since then there has been skepticism about the significance of the energy savings that can be achieved and the cost in terms of readability of black web pages.
We believe that there is value in the concept because even if the energy savings are small, they all add up. Secondly we feel that seeing Blackle every time we load our web browser reminds us that we need to keep taking small steps to save energy.
How can you help?
We encourage you to set Blackle as your home page. This way every time you load your Internet browser you will save a little bit of energy. Remember every bit counts! You will also be reminded about the need to save energy each time you see the Blackle page load.
Help us spread the word about Blackle by telling your friends and family to set it as their home page. If you have a blog then give us a mention. Or put the following text in your email signature: " - Saving energy one search at a time".
There are a lot of great web sites about saving energy and being more environmentally friendly. They are full of great tips covering the little things that we can all do to make a difference today. Try Blackling "energy saving tips" or visit a great blog dedicated to environmental awareness.
July 31, 2007
YEAH!!! It's that time of year again when we call all say we have eaten at that "Hot Shot" restaurant. This is a great way to sample a variety of restaurants and not bust your wallet. Three course lunches are only $22 and three course dinners are only $32. This is really a great deal at the participating establishments. So, save up a bit and take that "special" friend out to a good place for a change. You wont be sorry.
Here is a few minutes of musical entertainment for you all. Create your own one of a kind masterpiece.
Ahhh, if I had to just run away. This is how I would like to travel the US. Taking pictures, maybe bar-tending here and there or even Djing. I always thought about roaming the country and going from town to town. Maybe a photo book will make me travel. Anyway, I've always like this Airstream and I keep coming back to it every so often. Maybe one day....
July 26, 2007
Friday July 27 8 PM
Vice, Sweat Records, and New Times present
Daft Punk's 'ELECTROMA'
The Official South Florida Premiere!
Sweat Records, VICE, and the New Times are extremely happy to be bringing you the exclusive South Florida premiere of ELECTROMA, the new film by legendary French electronic artists DAFT PUNK!! Without giving away too much, it's the surreal story of two robots on their quest to be human...
Doors are at 8pm and the screening starts promptly at 9. Before and after the film we've got excellent local DJ team The Deuce Crew spinning a Daft Punk tribute set, and we'll be playing Daft Punk videos and their other feature, 2003's disco-house animated musical "Interstella 5555." We're also giving out VICE Records samplers with all sorts of good music to the first 100 people!!
Tickets are only $6 (cheaper than a real movie!!) and will be available at the door or you can reserve yours right now at
Here's what the Miami New Times has to say!
Living on Video
Robots rock in Daft Punk’s Electroma
By Arielle Castillo
Published: July 26, 2007
Somewhere in Nowheresville, possibly California, a sleek black sportscar hurtles along a desolate highway flanked by sand, tumbleweeds, and dusty mountains. The silver-helmeted, black-leather-clad drivers say nothing. They're on their way to find more of their kind, somewhere out there. But when they change — maybe evolve — their populace turns against them, driving them to final desperate acts. The two are actually robots, but their Ferrari's license plate reveals they're sort of human, after all.
Or something. Such is the loose plot of Electroma, the latest audiovisual odyssey by Daft Punk, a.k.a French electronic music duo Thomas Bangalter and Guy Manuel de Homem-Christo. They've banged up dance floors for house heads and hipsters since the Nineties via bleeping but straight-up soulful club hits like "Around the World," "One More Time," and "Technologic." And though these sweet, four-to-the-floor ditties can be enjoyed instinctively, Daft Punk's work has always hinted at greater themes and a larger aesthetic vision. Electroma is the pair's first major foray away from music. Clocking in at 74 minutes, and with something of a plot and a few identifiable characters, it's way beyond an artsy music video. In fact, weirdly, none of the music is actually by Daft Punk. Instead Bangalter and de Homem-Christo rounded up similarly brained musical mavericks, such as Todd Rundgren, Brian Eno, and even Curtis Mayfield.
Okay, diehard Daft Punk fans will note that Electroma is not, technically, the pair's first film. The concisely titled D.A.F.T.: A Story about Dogs, Androids, Firemen and Tomatoes was a collection of artsy videos for the duo's first album, Homework. Spike Jonze and Michel Gondry were among the contributing directors.
The sophomore full-length, Discovery, was written as the soundtrack to the anime movie Interstella 5555, which Daft Punk wrote and produced with the help of "space opera" maestro Leiji Matsumoto. Part of this opus was the animated video for "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger," the story of a royal space family reanimating for intergalactic travel. The film's 10-minute finale was actually a bit tragic: The space travelers meet their demise in a dark vacuum, but set to an upbeat, funky vocal house track. The work was a condensed audiovisual version of Daft Punk's romance with technological aftermaths, combined with the bittersweet nature of the ever-expanding future. Electroma promises to explore similar feelings, albeit in a more abstract manner.
Electroma debuted at this year's Cannes Film Festival and has already played in major European cities. But Miami, feel special: Saturday's screening is one of only six total on the official North American tour, and one of only two in the States (the other is in Los Angeles). See, we dig culture too. Especially if it's accompanied by a funky beat.
Electroma screens Friday, July 28, at Studio A, 60 NE 11th St., Miami. Doors open at 8:00 p.m., and the film begins at 9:00 sharp. All ages are welcome, and tickets cost six dollars. Call 305-358-7625, or visit
July 24, 2007
Yeah, yeah, yeah! I want that car, well in my case almost any new car will do also. Release date May 2008?
Based on the classic series created by anime pioneer Tatsuo Yoshida. Hurtling down the track, careening around, over and through the competition, Speed Racer (Emile Hirsch) is a natural behind the wheel. Born to race cars, Speed is aggressive, instinctive and, most of all, fearless. His only real competition is the memory of the brother he idolized—the legendary Rex Racer—whose death in a race has left behind a legacy that Speed is driven to fulfill. Speed is loyal to the family racing business, led by his father, Pops Racer (John Goodman), the designer of Speed’s thundering Mach 5. When Speed turns down a lucrative and tempting offer from Royalton Industries, he not only infuriates the company’s maniacal owner (Roger Allam) but uncovers a terrible secret—some of the biggest races are being fixed by a handful of ruthless moguls who manipulate the top drivers to boost profits. If Speed won’t drive for Royalton, Royalton will see to it that the Mach 5 never crosses another finish line. The only way for Speed to save his family’s business and the sport he loves is to beat Royalton at his own game. With the support of his family and his loyal girlfriend, Trixie (Christina Ricci), Speed teams with his one-time rival—the mysterious Racer X (Matthew Fox)—to win the race that had taken his brother’s life: the death-defying, cross-country rally known as The Crucible.
VICE+Sweat Records+New Times presents the South Florida premiere of Daft Punk's new movie ELECTROMA.
What more can I say than it's DAFT PUNK! This is going to be one of those movies that just IS. Don't expect a musical. There is no dialogue, no music by Daft Punk either, just one of those interpreted visions by an artist. That sounds good enough for me, and it's only six bucks. Doors open at 8pm and movie starts promptly at 9pm
July 19, 2007
I haven't been able to stop looking at this site since I landed on it a few days ago. Sweet, sweet, sweet stuff. Everything from clothes to clubs, people to places and everything in between. Go check it out...when you have plenty of time that is.
July 16, 2007
Ok, so another special treat for you"Special People" at REVOLVER this Friday July 20th. The one and only Dj Tom Grizzle (Fo Shizzle) will be throwing a mix of everything old and new for your grinding pleasure. Make your plans now to stay the night 'cause I will be getting it on! No excuse, no problems, NO DRAMA DAMNIT!! Shit Yea!!
in the Boutique Lounge at Pawn Shop!!
1222 NE 2nd Ave DOWNTOWN!!!
What do you get when you combine a Grand Piano, 4 Subwoofers and a DJ's Dream setup? I give you the baby Grand Master - one of the coolest things I've ever seen and definitely something to go on next years letter to Santa!
Features & Specs
Dual Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD Players, Edirol V-4 Video Mixer, 3 Marshal LCD Monitors, Allen and Heath Xone 92 Audio Mixer, Dual 15" Subwoofers, 18" Subwoofer, 12" Subwoofer, 3 Bullet Tweeters, AB 1100 Watt Power Amplifier.
July 8, 2007
I just had to put this up. Too cool (funny) for school!
Yea, lucky seven all day Saturday. I watched the Live Earth event every once and awhile yesterday. My highlights were Pink Floyd and The Police. Anyway, the point is certainly clear. STOP DESTROYING THE EARTH!!! It really is easy and "hip" to be green. I know we are all not perfect but a little here and there DOES go a long way. There are many sites out there to check out so get to it. With action comes reaction.
Definition of a Hipster
Hipster - One who possesses tastes, social attitudes, and opinions deemed cool by the cool. (Note: it is no longer recommended that one use the term "cool"; a Hipster would instead say "deck.") The Hipster walks among the masses in daily life but is not a part of them and shuns or reduces to kitsch anything held dear by the mainstream. A Hipster ideally possesses no more than 2% body fat.
Check out the glossary, quiz, and cool links. It's pretty funny.
June 18, 2007
Well thanks to all that that came to REVOLVER and danced their asses off while I was laying down the grooves. I saw the room jump up and down all night long. I may be back sooner than you expect!! I also have some new pictures up on my flickr link. I'll try and post more often. It tasted so so good to get you guys all worked up Friday night.
June 14, 2007
Does Tom Grizzle need to SMACK a bitch?!!
Complimentary Drinks from 11-12
And Comp. addmission w/RSVP or wristband from SHOPMIAMI event.
in the Boutique Lounge at Pawn Shop!!
1222 NE 2nd Ave DOWNTOWN!!!